With the Federal 1040 filing deadline on Tuesday, April 18th, Partner Support is reminding our partners that we will have extended support hours tomorrow from 6:00 AM until 8:00 PM PT.
- Reminder! First Quarter Federal Estimated Tax Payments are also due April 18

Please be sure to refer to our previous partner communication – 1040 Filing Deadline is Tues, April 18th! How to File Extensions, Payment Options, Extended Deadlines and More Important IRS Reminders that provides you with helpful resources and instructions from the IRS in an effort to assist tax professionals with questions regarding the following:
- Form 4868 Extension to File
- Automatic Extensions (e.g. designated disaster areas, military, U.S. Citizens and Resident Aliens living outside the U.S. and Puerto Rico).
- Get an Extension When Making a Payment
- Various Payment Options (for Balance Due)
- Individual State Returns
- Where to Mail Paper Returns (With and Without Payments)
Also included in this previous communication is our Resource Center Video – How to Create, File and Run Reports for Extension Form 4868 in the Software (Runtime 1.5 mins).
If you have any questions about this information, please contact your Partner Support Team at 206-209-2653 or email us at help@erosupport.com.
Thank you,
Your Partner Support Team