Another important reminder that throughout the tax season, it is extremely important to maintain your desktop software program(s) at the latest version as you prepare tax returns for your clients. Be sure to transmit on a regular basis to check for and apply any software updates that have been released.
In addition to any corrections, helpful new verifies and/or enhanced features or functionality, these federal and state program updates at this still early stage of the tax season will often contain any outstanding city forms and the removal of remaining watermarks on certain forms to now allow e-file, paper-file and/or print capabilities.
This important reminder applies to:
- Individual Federal 1040 and State Programs
- Federal Corporate Business Program and State Programs.
Currently, the Individual Federal 1040 Program is at version 2023.015.
The Federal Corporate Business Program is at version 2023.02. Individual and Business State Program versions will vary.
Helpful Resources:
Updating the 1040 Federal & State Tax Programs
- In this short 4 minute video, we will show you how easy it is to verify the program version and retrieve and apply software updates for both the Federal and State tax programs, including steps for installing software updates on non-transmitting computers.
- You can also access this and other helpful videos on your Resource Center. Most partners can access the Resource Center directly from the software program > Work in Progress Screen > Website Tab > Resource Center or you can simply bookmark on your desktop.
If you have any questions about this information, please contact the Partner Support Team at 206-209-2653 or email us at
Thank you,
Your Partner Support Team |